Delivery & Delivery Time
We do our utmost to have our stocks up to date for products that are available online and to deliver your order within 4 to 8 working days after receipt of payment. If we cannot deliver your order from stock, we will inform you within 4 working days after your order about the expected delivery time. If this is not acceptable to you, you have the right to cancel your order and we will refund your payment.
The costs of delivery depend on the amount of materials you purchase from us. The more and the larger, the more loading surface we have to reserve with the carrier. It is our conscious choice to keep the prices of the products as low as possible and not to include a surcharge for transport costs.
The carrier delivers the products to you with a truck with electric pallet truck. However, for orders with lengths wider than 2.50m and/or orders heavier than 750kg, there may be additional costs associated with the shipment. We will inform you in advance about the additional costs.
The order will be unloaded next to the truck, provided that the unloading location is directly, freely and easily accessible by large transport. The nature and size of the materials require the use of medium to large trucks. If you suspect that problems may arise, it is necessary that you report this to us, in order to prevent unexpected additional costs that will be charged to you.
Due to limited accessibility and/or a government-imposed environmental surcharge for environmental zones, a city centre surcharge of €15.00 or city centre + environmental surcharge of €25.00 applies respectively.
City center surcharge of €15.00 for:
- Tilburg: 5014, 5017, 5021, 5025, 5038, 5041, 5046;
- Breda: 4811;
- Delft: 2611, 2612, 2620, 2628;
- The Hague: 2511-2516, 2518, 2525, 2526, 2585, 2594, 2595;
- Eindhoven: 5611, 5613-5617;
- Leiden: 2311, 2312;
- Rijswijk: 2281, 2282;
- 's-Hertogenbosch: 5211, 5223;
And a city centre + environmental surcharge of 25.00 for:
- Amsterdam: 1011-1019, 1051-1059, 1071-1079, 1087, 1091-1098;
- Utrecht: 3511-3514, 3521, 3532, 3572, 3571, 3582;
- Rotterdam: 3011-3015;
- Arnhem: 6811, 6828;
- Maastricht: 6211, 6217;
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